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Traditional and Diamond Zones: Most Plagued by Beach Vendors

By: David Real | Real Acapulco News - 09 August, 2011

(Acapulco, AN 9 August) Punta Diamante and the Traditional Zone of Acapulco are the beach areas with the greatest number of unlicensed, ambulatory beach vendors according to Joel Tacuba García, the local representative of the federal attorney general’s office for enforcement of the environmental laws. He said that there does not exist any plan to improve the image of the tourist areas of the port, in spite of an agreement between the three levels of government concerning the beach areas. In a press interview, Tacuba announced a plan gradually to remove ambulatory vendors from the beaches as well as heightened enforcement of the rules against irregular commence. He said that some designated areas will be established where vendors will be able to offer their wares for sale, in lieu of marching up and down the beaches annoying visitors. He said that the operation began last weekend, in the areas with the greatest number of beach vendors: Caleta, Caletilla, Papagayo, Puerto Marqués and Revolcadero.

“The rules already exist,” said the environmental law enforcement official, “What remains is to see them applied.” The problem is that the zone in question is undeniably in federal jurisdiction, but state and municipal authorities also have functions there. He explained why it is that beach vendors still abound in spite of the interest and commitment of all three levels of government. Though he did not use a baseball metaphor, the sense of it was the same: Three outfielders race towards the same fly ball, and it falls to the ground in the middle of them.