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Eight Hurricanes Predicted for Rainy Season

By: Staff | Real Acapulco News - 27 April, 2011

(Acapulco, AN 27 April) Guerrero’s Assistant Secretary of Civil Protection, Roel Ayala Mata, announced yesterday that this year’s hurricane season will be “normal,” because the “La Niña” effect is weakening. Meteorologists are predicting eight hurricanes for Mexico’s Pacific coast, starting in May. Three will be intense, and five will be “moderate.” In addition, six tropical storms and 14 tropical cyclones are expected during the five month period from May through September, one less than the long-term average. Nevertheless, the official said that the quantity of rain is expected to be heavier than the norm, and that mudslides will be a matter of concern. The “dog days” (“canícula”) of July and August are expected to bring light-to-moderate precipitation. The Civil Protection department will be engaged in its usual preventive efforts of dislodging boulders that could come loose when the waters run heavy, causing damage to homes and vehicles. Meanwhile, the municipal government is working against the clock to clean all the garbage out of the dry arroyos and stream beds that local citizens toss there, before they cause backups and flooding in the poorer neighborhoods.