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Acapulco’s Film Festival Invites Clint Eastwood

By: Staff | Real Acapulco News - 25 November, 2010

(Acapulco, AN 25 November) The sixth annual International Festival of Film in Acapulco will kick off on December 7 with the film “Beyond the Wall,” directed by Luis Eduardo Reyes and featuring the last work of Claudio Obregón before his death. Honors will be bestowed on Fernando Lujan and Lorena Velázquez. Another film, "Baría, Love and Passion" by Guiseppe Tornatore, and "Social Network" by David Fincher will also be featured. An international premier of "Hereafter," by the renowned Hollywood figure, Clint Eastwood, is also on the program. The film is being distributed in Mexico via Televisa. The organizers recognize that Mr. Eastwood, now in his eighties, does not travel far from home, and that the logistics would be complex. As yet, Eastwood has not responded to the invitation. Several academic activities and retrospectives have also been scheduled for the event, which will show as many as 60 different films, including features, shorts and documentaries.