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Local Legislature Calls for Light Train Study

By: Staff | Real Acapulco News - 21 January, 2011

(Chilpancingo, AN 21 January) Convergencia representative Victor Manuel Jorrín Lozano proposed a communication to the governor, calling upon him and the mayor of Acapulco to study the feasibility of constructing a light rail system in the port city. The proposal was approved by the legislature. The current thinking is to create a line that starts with the last toll station on the highway from Mexico City (La Venta), and proceed to La Garita, down Cuauhtémoc to the Via Rapida, and then up Constituyentes to Ruiz Cortines. According to the proposal, the new light rail line would improve the environment, unsnarl traffic, provide more rapid transit for the working class of the city, generate employment, modernize Acapulco’s image, and improve life overall for a large segment of the population.