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What to do in case of an emergency?

If it’s the type of emergency in which you have enough time to make a call and can try to communicate in Spanish, here is a list of emergency numbers:

Turismo Municipal - 480 01 71/97
Locatel - 481 11 00/52
Profeco - 483 52 33
Cruz Roja - 485 41 00
Bomberos - 484 41 22
Dirección de Transito – Emergencias - 485 67 43
Policía Preventiva - 485 03 34/486 82 20
Policía Federal de Caminos - 441 34 36
Angeles Verdes - 483 84 70
Dirección Municipal de Salud - 482 01 14/ 483 61 01
Hospital IMSS - 445 53 53 to 69
Hospital ISSSTE - 445 50 73/68
Protección Civil - 483 50 40/483 52 07
Seguridad Pública - 485 79 80/ 485 04 90
Procuraduría del Turista - 484 44 16/ 484 45 83

This list is in Spanish. If you have trouble understanding the names on the list, when you get someone on the other line, it’s not going to be any easier. Ask a hotel employee or any other English speaker for assistance. They will be able to find the proper party and act as interpreter for you.

If your emergency does not give you time to look for help to make the phone call, your options are more limited. Call for help from anyone close by. Acapulqueños are usually very willing to help anyone who is truly in need. If this is the sort of emergency that requires a shout of “HELP!”, try “SOCORRO!” (pronounced soh-COH-rroh) or AUXILIO! (pronounced ouk-ZEEL-yo). You might also try also “Ayudame!” (pronounced eye-YOU-dah-may), which means "help me!".

If your credit cards are lost of stolen you should call the companies immediately to cancel them. Do not wait until you get home. Charges may start coming through right away.

You can pick up Western Union money wires at any Comercial Mexicana or Elektra, with an ID. A very cheap and easy way to receive money from overseas is via

The US consulate has a program for emergency cash assistance (an emergency cash loan). If the problem is so bad that you need to find an attorney, you can try your consulate for an approved list, but do not expect much additional assistance.