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Rivers and Lakes of Guerrero Show Serious Contamination

By: David Real | Real Acapulco News - 02 May, 2011

(Chilpancingo, AN 2 May) The Guerrero Secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources (Semaren), Carlos Toledo Manzur, has told the press that at least 90% of the lakes and rivers of the State of Guerrero are facing “serious problems of contamination” because of “a lack of concern on the part of the citizens.” He said he hoped the current administration could find new, more efficient means of dealing with the problem, including a new approach to economic development in Guerrero. He emphasized the conservation of ecological preserves and the clean-up of river beds and lake bottoms. He stated that Guerrero today is “confronting a severe water shortage,” and that the main problem is that urban residents just throw all kinds of garbage, sewage and construction waste into the rivers, with no concern for the environment. According to Toledo Manzur, Acapulco and Chilpancingo are being hardest hit with shortages of potable water. Over 90% of the water is unfit for human consumption due to the contamination. They cannot even be used for water treatment and recycling, as they are so fouled by garbage and debris. “The cities need to adopt emergency measures to step up their cleanup of the rivers and lakes,” he said. An immediate measure is to start enforcing the laws against polluting the sources of water, as the illegal dumping is being carried out on an ever increasing scale, and with total impunity.