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FAA Reinstates Mexico’s Category 1 Rating

By: David Real | Real Acapulco News - 03 December, 2010

(Mexico, AN 3 December) The US Federal Aviation Administration has returned Mexico to its “Category 1” status as an aviation partner, meaning that Mexican carriers can once more establish new routes to the United States and recover their lost market share. The FAA downgraded Mexico in June of this year, citing several issues, including air traffic control, pilot training, and passenger/baggage security. The “Category 1” rating was restored just this week. The main challenge was to acquire and install software capable of doing all the tasks now required for passenger screening and boarding and review and control of pilot qualifications. The Mexican Aviation Authority modernized and automated many regulatory procedures and improved the training and documentation of simulator time for pilots. In all, the government agency undertook a Herculean effort to overcome all the deficiencies and restore its “Cat 1” status in a minimum amount of time. Mexican authorities will continue to accept technical assistance from the FAA and to work with the Civil Aeronautics Board in order to maintain the top rating.